Sunday, 13 November 2011

Welcome Lovelies!

Well hello there...

Welcome to my blog about all things make-up,fashion and girly-stuff related! After about two years of scouring the internet for interesting/funny/well-written/pretty blogs I finally decided to stop being so God damn lazy and write my own. To be perfectly honest, I do not know how this is going to work, or if it's going to work at all, but it's the taking part that counts...right?
It's rather strange to think right now, I am actually writing this to no one but myself, as I have no followers whatsoever, I do hope that isn't the case for too long as quite frankly it would just be a little bit embarrassing.
Now I shall stop babbling and go about my daily business and hope that someone, somewhere may stumble across this little blog of mine and think "ah this isn't completely shambolic, I shall follow it and see what happens". If that person is you then thank you kind sir!

I'll be seeing you!...Well hopefully


Style Pony said...

Aww lovely blog, congrats on your first post!

Izzi said...

Thank you!x

Unknown said...

look forward to reading more