- firstly the fact that everything is so bloody expensive at the moment! I don't know if it's because I'm feeling a little bit poor what with the fact that I'm 16 and don't have a job, but all of a sudden everything seems to have quadrupled in price! I can get by with having to shop around a bit for clothes of an acceptable price and having to save up a bit before I make any real purchases, I get it times are tough but I was really thrown over the edge the other day when I put down my £1 coin on the bus driver's little tray thing and he ever so kindly pointed out bus fare has gone up to £1.30...ARE YOU SHITTING ME?! Who came up with that number? I begrudged paying £1 in the first place and now I'm going to have dig round the wilderness, that is the bottom of my bag every time I get on the bus to find another 30p. Bastards.
- Another thing that's really gotten my goat lately is the weather. Now I know, being British and all, that our weather isn't usually something to shout about, but lately it's been working overtime just to piss me off. We got about 3 weeks of amazing weather in March but because of that ridiculous thing that some call education (which I happen to be in full time) I could only ever enjoy it on the weekends. Panic not I thought, the Easter holidays are a few weeks away I'm sure it will last. So imagine my surprise when the holidays rolled around and BAM the sun clearly had to go into some sort of witness protection programme because she hasn't bothered showering her face since. Bugger.
- American TV schedules have also been ticking me right off lately and whatever mastermind thinks them up should be head-butted by this guy...
- I say this because being the internet savvy, bright young thing that I am, I tend to watch most television online these days. Especially things like Gossip Girl, 90210, One Tree Hill etc but for some reason over the last few months whenever I sit down with my Macbook and think "ah lovely, after my exceedingly hectic day I will now relax in front of the beauty that is Ed Westwick and other American hotties as I watch Gossip Girl *types in website, scrolls down, clicks Gossip Girl tab, goes to click on newest episode, throws laptop across room in rage* ASHHFDSGDGGDFGDFGDF WTF?!" or something like that. For some ridiculous reason American TV people think it's acceptable to just throw in random hiatus' for their shows whenever the God Damn feel like it, and I'd like to tell you kind sirs, that it's not acceptable! I have been waiting to see what happens on Desperate Housewives now for weeks and I am not a happy bunny!
Okay rant over...for now.
Hope you're all well and please do feel free to tell me what positively irks you, we can all share in the irksomeness of life together!
Bye beauty's!
Stay classy!X
Hi I just came across your blog, I have to agree! I hate when shows go on weird hiatuses, plus the weather where I am in the U.S. on the east coast has been pretty bad and cold too :( I feel for you haha
Glad to know someone shares my pain! Thanks for reading!X
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