Friday, 7 September 2012

Farewell to the Fairground...

Hello there lovelies!

Today I've got a quick post to say goodbye to summer and what feels like my child hood, as I finally venture into the big girl world that is Sixth form and A Levels *shudder*. 

So as I stare at the new pile of stationary on my chest of drawers and contemplate how I'm going to survive taking Physics, Maths, Economics and History for the next two years, I thought I'd make a list of things I did this summer that are worth talking about...

  1. I got a job. Yes I did. I did it all on my own, without any help from family friends or people who my dad works with, like so many people do. I wrote a CV, applied, got interviewed and worked really hard to secure the job that I now have. It isn't easy at all, especially when you're getting up at 7am on a Saturday to work for £4.98 an hour. But a job's a job and I really enjoy my one, it's not the best but the people are nice and the clothes are cool too.
  2. I went to a festival. It was insane. It was wonderful. It was muddy. It was one of the best experiences of my life and I will never forget the amazement of being on a random boys shoulders whilst watching Kasabian close the whole festival doing a cover of a Beatles song, complete and total goosebumps.
  3. I got real qualifications. GCSE's to be exact. After months of preparation, 12 exams decided my fate. It was hard and I should've worked harder. But I did it and I got into Sixth Form to do the A Levels I want to do. I'm rather proud of myself to be honest. 
  4. I grew up. I really did. I finally accepted that I am not Peter Pan and I will not be flying off to Neverland any time soon. I payed my own through summer, I took responsibility for myself, I went away without my parents and I chose what I'm going to be doing for pretty much the rest of my life, scary. 
  5. I had an amazing time. This past year has been a bit of a mad one and summer was also rather mad to begin with. There's always some sort of drama going on around me and I'm rather prone to getting absorbed by it all. I've finally knocked the habit (well, nearly) and I had an absolute ball with my friends, doing silly things, throwing parties and just having fun. 
So that's my summer, what was yours like? Do anything amazing? Learn anything that changed your life? Let me know in the comments below! 
Thanks for reading guys, speak soon.
Here's a little something to leave you with, it's a motto I'm trying to live my life by...

Stay Classy!X

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